Film and Video Editing
Examples of videos I've designed, created, and edited using Adobe Premiere.
The Peacock
A video I designed, produced, and edited using Adobe Premiere for one of my undergraduate film classes. Based on Aesop's fable, "The Peacock". Initial storyboards can be seen below, and acting credit goes to my [very patient] friends Melanie Vanderford and Matthew Clow!
The Peacock

MOUT Demo Video
A video I put together and edited using Adobe Premiere for my project manager position at Adaptive Immersion Technologies. This video showcases some of our military game assets and assessment options.
Car Console Covers AD
A video I put together and edited using Adobe Premiere for a friend's console cover company. This was used on their social media sites and had to be constrained to a low resolution. I also made the animated dog clip at the end using a motion capture program and edited the dog skeleton itself in Photoshop.